
Class 5: EVS 1: 21. Busy at work - our Internal OrgansEXERCISE (page no. 114)

21. Busy at work - our Internal Organs EXERCISE (page no. 114) 1. What's the solution? A person has fainted and a crowd of people has surrounded him. Ans: If a person has fainted then ask the crowd of people to move away form the fainted person as he will be requiring fresh and enough air. Flash some water on his face if he doesn't revivie then take him safly to doctor. 2. Use your brain power! A. Why do we sometimes choke suddenly  while eating? Ans: The upper ends of the both oesophagus and the windpipe open in the throat next to each other. When food is swallowed, the wind pipe remains closed.But, when we eat hurry,the food may enter the windpipe and cause us to chokebon it. That is why we must not eat in a hurry. B. How is the air that we inhale purified in our body? Ans: The inner lining of the respiratory organs has fine hairlike structures calles cilia.On this inner lining, there is also a layer of a sticky substance called mucous. The dust and smoke particles s...


LESSON NO. 20. OUR EMOTIONAL WORLD Q. 1. Fill in the blanks. 1. Just as man is able to think, he is also............. Ans: Just as man is able to think, he is also emotional . 2. We must always think about the ...... .  in our friends first. Ans: We must always think about the good qualities-virtues in our friends first. Q.2. Answer in one sentence. 1. How does a balanced personality develop? Ans: A balance personality develops when we will learn to cope up with our emotions. 2. Why does our attitude of co-operation and understanding decrease.? Ans: O ur attitude of co-operation and understanding decrease because we become short tempered and stubborn. 3. What must we do after we have found the flaws in our nature? Ans: A fter we have found the flaws in our nature we must try to remove it and work on it to improve ourselves. Q.3. Answer in short. 1. What is meant by 'coping with emotions'? Ans: Copinh with emotions means to control ourself by thinking properly ...

Class 5: EVS 1: Lesson no.19. Constituents of food (exercise)

 LESSON 19. CONSTITUENTS OF FOOD Q.1 What's the solution? The body requires an adequate of proteins. Ans:  The body requires an adequate of proteins because our body undergoes wear and tear continuously. Proteins are required to heal and repair it so plenty of proteins are required during the growing years of a person's life. To get required proteins,our daily diet should include daals, pulses as well as milk and milk products. Q.2 Use your brain power! Why are children told to drink milk every day? Ans: Children are told to drink milk every day because almost all the food constituents are ther in milk. It includes carbohydrates, sugar,protein, fats etc.Its rich in prote6A,B and C.Proteins are helpful in growing age.It helps to grow and develop properly. So its suggedted to drunk milk. Q. 3. Give two sources of each of the following food constituents. 1. Minerals  2. Proteins  3. Starch Ans: Following are the two sources of each. 1. Minerals: leafy vegetab...


LESSON NO 17. CLOTHES OUR NECESSITY Q.1 Write the names of those objects in the list below that you would like to own. 1. Water bottle 2. Ball 3. Marbles 4. Laptop 5. Flower pot 6.Mobile phone 7. Bicycle 8. Scooter 9. Photoframe 10. Tiffin box Which of these objects will you use yourself. Ans: I would like to own 1. Water bottle 2. Ball 3. Tiffin box. Q. 2. Make a note of the clothes you would choose to wear on a 'traditional day.' Ans.:  In would like to wear Kurta and churidar on a traditional day. Q.3 The names of some States are given in the table below. Write the names of the fabric or garments they are famous for. State Maharashtra Gujarat Punjab Odisha West Bengal Karnataka Ans: State Maharashtra : Navari saree, dothi-kurta, pheta,paithank sarre etc. Gujarat : Ghagara, choli, odhani, bandhani saree etc. Punjab: kurta - paijama, salwar-kameez, tarban, pulkan silk saree. Odisha: Sambalpuri saree,bomkai saree, kurta- gamcha etc West Bengal: dhoti- punj...

Class 5: EVS 1: 25. Community health and Hygiene

Lesson 25 Community Health and hygiene Q. 1 Fill in the blanks. A. A healthy and wholesome life leads to feelings of.......... Ans: Friendship B. Constant presence of tobacco in the digestive organs can lead to cancer of ........ Ans: digestive organs. C. ............ Leads to diseases of the liver, instestines and  urinary bladder. Ans: Alcoholism D. The most important factors in the country's progress and development are its............. Ans: people E. Good community ........ can be achieved through habits of hygiene and good health. Ans: health and hygiene Q.2. True or false? Correct the wrong statements. A. Pollution,squalor, epidemics, addictions and insect-borne diseases are all beneficial for community health. Ans: False. Pollution,squalor, epidemics, addictions and insect-borne diseases are all threats for community health. B. There are a ban on spitting in public places. Ans: True C. A nutritious diet,personal hygiene, exercise and pursuit of hobbies lea...


Class 5 : EVS ONE 24. SUBSTANCES, OBJECTS AND ENERGY EXERCISE (PAGE NO. 132) Q.1 What's the solution? a. We need to make a sherbet quickly for some guests.But We only have sugar in the house. Ans: We can pound sugar candy in to powder and when it will be fine it can quickly dissolve i  water. Hence we can make a sherbet q8for some guests. b. We need to rub salt on a corncob but only salt crystals are available. Ans: We can pound salt crystals or grind the salt crystals and make poweder of it and it can be used on corncob. Q.2. Use your brain! a. Why do tablets of camphor decrease in size day by day? Ans.: The tablets of camphor are in solid state. Camphor has a property of to turn into gaseous state directly from solid state. Therefore is decreases in size day by day. b. How do we save fuel by using public transport? Ans:  Each vehicle needed fuel to run it and people separately use vehicles then  much fuel will comsume but people use a public transport or com...

Class 5: EVS1: 16. Water : Exercise (page no. 81)

Class 5th EVS 1 16. WATER (EXERCISE) Q. 1. Answer the following questions . 1. What conditions prevail during a famine? Ans: Following conditions prevail during a famine. 1. Places where it does not rain for a long time, experience a drought. 2.At such places water level falls in rivers,wells, lakes, bunds and dams. 3. Humans and animals suffer from scarcity of water. 4. There is no water for agriculture. 5. Grain and fodder become scarce during a famine. 6. People living there have to face a lot of hardship. 2. What works are undertaken to make water available even after the rainy season? Ans:  Following works are undertaken to make water available even after the rainy season. 1. Large dams can be built. 2. Several works such as building smaller reservoirs, contour bunding, stopping the water of the smaller stream by constructing bunds or bandharas etc. 3. Wells are dug in river beds. 3. Why is it necessary to stop rainwater? Ans: To meet the whole year's need for...