Class 5: EVS1: 16. Water : Exercise (page no. 81)

Class 5th EVS 1
Q. 1. Answer the following questions.
1. What conditions prevail during a famine?
Ans: Following conditions prevail during a famine.
1. Places where it does not rain for a long time, experience a drought.
2.At such places water level falls in rivers,wells, lakes, bunds and dams.
3. Humans and animals suffer from scarcity of water.
4. There is no water for agriculture.
5. Grain and fodder become scarce during a famine.
6. People living there have to face a lot of hardship.

2. What works are undertaken to make water available even after the rainy season?
Ans:  Following works are undertaken to make water available even after the rainy season.
1. Large dams can be built.
2. Several works such as building smaller reservoirs, contour bunding, stopping the water of the smaller stream by constructing bunds or bandharas etc.
3. Wells are dug in river beds.

3. Why is it necessary to stop rainwater?
Ans: To meet the whole year's need for water, rainwater must be stopped.

4. What is meant by water management?
Ans: Taking steps to ensure that rainwater will be available even in the period after the rainy season is called water management.

Q.2 True or false? Correct the wrong statements.
a. We get rainwater throughout the year.
Ans: False.
We get rainwater only four months in a year.

b. During a famine, the government moves people and animals temporarily to safe places.
Ans: True


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