Class 5 : EVS ONE
Q.1 What's the solution?
a. We need to make a sherbet quickly for some guests.But We only have sugar in the house.
Ans: We can pound sugar candy in to powder and when it will be fine it can quickly dissolve i  water. Hence we can make a sherbet q8for some guests.

b. We need to rub salt on a corncob but only salt crystals are available.
Ans: We can pound salt crystals or grind the salt crystals and make poweder of it and it can be used on corncob.

Q.2. Use your brain!
a. Why do tablets of camphor decrease in size day by day?
Ans.: The tablets of camphor are in solid state. Camphor has a property of to turn into gaseous state directly from solid state. Therefore is decreases in size day by day.
b. How do we save fuel by using public transport?
Ans:  Each vehicle needed fuel to run it and people separately use vehicles then  much fuel will comsume but people use a public transport or common transport for example bus, train.then fuel can be saved in comparison to the separate use of vehicles.

Q.3. Answer the following questions.
a. When and why do clothes smell of naphthalene?
Ans.: The naphthalene balls have property of turning in to gaseous States and when the small particles settle down on the clothes wherw it had kept for a long time,the clothes smell of naphthalene.

b. In which states water found in nature?
Ans.:  In liquid ,solid and gaseous states the water found in nature.

c. What is the difference between the solid,liquid and gaseous states of a substance?
Ans: The arrangement of  particles in different states of a substance is different one.In solid state the particles are closely packed.In liquid States the particles are slightly away deom each other and in gaseous state they are not in contact with each other.

d. What is meant by energy?
Ans: The capacity to do a work is called energy.


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