4. Climate/ Class 10 Geography/ Maharashtra State board/ climate of India/ Climate of Brazil

Graph of Annual rainfall and temperature. Video: Graph: Annual average Rainfall & Temperature Watch on YouTube 4.climate (part1)
Q.1.Study figure 4.1 and 4.2 and answer the following questions:
1. Considering the isotherms of Brazil, what is the average range of temperature in Brazil? 
Ans: Considering the isotherms of Brazil, the average range of temperature in Brazil is 10° C ( 28° - 18° C)

2. In which area does it rain more?
Ans: It rains more in the north and central part of Brazil i.e. Amazon valley. 

3.From which directions are winds blowing towards Brazil? 
Ans: The winds are blowing from North-East and South-East directions. 

4. What could be the reason behind that? 
Ans:  These are  permanent trade winds which blow from high pressure belt to the equatorial low pressure belt. Brazil being in the tropical zone a low pressure area is created and wind start blowing from the ocean to the land. 

5. What could be the obstruction in the way of these winds? 
Ans: The Escarpment acts as obstruction in the way of the South East Trade Winds coming from the sea.

6. Which type of rainfall will occur because of these winds?
Ans: Orographic rain fall will occur because of these winds.

7. Correlate these winds and rainfall. 
Ans: The escarpments act as an obstruction to the winds blowing from the sea and cause orographic type of rainfall in the coastal region. Beyond the Highlands, the effects of these winds gets reduced. As a result, the rainfall is minimal.

8. In which part of Brazil are the average 
temperatures low? 
Ans:  The average temperatures are low in southern part of Brazil.

9.Identify the rain—shadow area in Brazil. 
Describe its climatic characteristics. 
Ans:The north-eastern part of the Brazilian highlands is a shadow region. Beyond the highlands the effects of the South East Trade Winds gets reduced and the rainfall is minimal.  Also, the temperature here is quite high. This rain shadow region is referred to as the ‘ Draught Quadrilateral'.

10.In which region do you find a higher temperature? 
Ans: The northern part of Brazil has higher temperature.

11. Considering the latitudinal extent of Brazil, where will you find temperate climate in Brazil? 
Ans: The Southern part of Brazil lying below 23.30°S latitude (Tropic of Capricorn) experiences temperate climate.

12. Describe the winds blowing between 0° to 5° N and S zones. 
Ans: The winds blowing between 0° to 5° N and S zones move in the vertical direction lead3to conventional type of rain. The North East and South East Trade winds are very weak in this region. 
13. Which method has been used to show 
distribution in this winds?
Ans:  Isopleth method been  used to show distribution in this map.
Q.2. Observe Fig 4.3 and write the answers.
1. Which region gets more than 4000mm of 
rainfall ? 
Ans: Western Ghats,  Western coasts and northeastern region including of Mawsynram, Cherrapunji, parts of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh get more than 4000 mm of rainfall.
2. Identify the regions with maximum and 
minimum temperatures?
Ans: Central and North western parts of Peninsular plateau and islands have high temperature. 
Mountainous regions of north, northeast and south India have low temperature.
3. In which direction is the temperature increasing?
Ans: The temperature is increasing towards the South of India.
4. Identify the direction of the winds shown.
What are they known as?
Ans: The winds shown are blowing from the South-west to North-east direction. These are called Southwest Monsoon Winds.
5.Which winds are responsible for the rainfall in India ? 
Ans: The Southwest winds are responsible for the rainfall in India
6.Some part of Rajasthan is under desert? What could be the reason for it?
Ans: The south west monsoon winds blow parallel to Aravali mountain range. The moisture loaded winds are not obstructed by Aravallis so it rains less and hence Rajasthan is under desert. 
7. Draw the main parallel of latitude passing through India which affects its climate.
8. In which part of Peninsular India are semi-arid climatic conditions found and why?
 The part of Peninsular India which has semi-arid climatic conditions are central part of Peninsula Plateau comprising  parts of Central Maharashtra,  western Andhra Pradesh,  Eastern Karnataka and Western Tamil Nadu. These regions lie on the leeward side of western Ghats and Eastern Ghats. It rains less here and a rain shadow region is formed. 
Some parts of Gujrat and Rajasthan  are also semi-arid  as the Aravallis lie parallel and do not obstruct the South-west Monsoon winds.

Q. 3 Study the graphs given in fig 4.4 and answer the following questions.
1. In which month is the highest temperature found in all the four cities? 
Ans: The highest temperature is found in the month of January. 
2. In which month does it rain the most in the given cities ?
Ans: It rains the most in the month of March.
3. When does Brazil have its rainy season ?
Ans: Brazil has its rainy season from December to March.
4. Which city has the maximum range of temperature? How much is it?
Ans: Porto Alegre has the maximum range of temperature. It is 20°C (30° C – 10°C)
5. What type of climate will be found in Rio de Janeiro?
Ans: Rio De Janeiro has mild and humid ckimate.

Q. 4 Observe the given figure and write the answers. 
1. What is represented in the diagram?
Ans: In the given diagram cross section of Brazil's Physiography is represented. 
2. How much rainfall is received at the escarpment?
Ans: 2000 mm rainfall is received at the escarpment. 
3. Which mountain is located between 5°11’ N to 0°.
Ans; Andes Mountain is located between  5°11’ N to 0°.
4. Which area has maximum temperature?
Ans: Amazon Basin has maximum temperature. 
5. What is the height of coastal areas?
Ans: The height of coastal area is less than 200 m.
6. How much rainfall is received at the Brazilian highlands.
Ans; 600 mm rainfall is received at the Brazilian highlands. 
7. Which river basin has located between  0° to 14° S ?
Ans: Paraguay-Parana  river basin has locatedbetween 0° TO 14° S.

Class 10 Geography
4. Climate 
EXERCISE (Page 31)
Q. 1. Write the names of the States/Regions inappropriate columns :
Bihar, Tocantins, Pernambuco, Alagoas,
Eastern Maharastra, Western part of
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Rio Grande Do Norte,
Paraiba, Western Ghats, Eastern Himalayas,
Western Andhra Pradesh, Roroima,
Amazonas, West Bengal, Roraima, Rio
Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Goa

Q. 2. State whether right or wrong. Rewrite thewrong sentences.
(a) The fact that Brazil lies on the equator
affects its climate in a big way.
Ans: Right
(b) India and Brazil have the same seasons
at the same time.
Ans: Wrong: India and Brazil have different seasons at the same time.
(c) India faces tropical cyclones frequently.
Ans: Right
(d) Brazil gets a lot of rainfall because of the southwest monsoon winds.
Ans: Wrong- Brazil gets rainfall from South-East Trade winds and North-East Trade winds.

Q. 3. Give geographical reasons:
(a) The northeastern part of Brazilian Highlands receives very less rainfall.
Ans: The northeastern part of Brazilian Highlands receives very less rainfall because of the following reasons.
1. Brazil gets rainfall from the South-East Trade winds and the North-East Trade Winds.
2. The Escarpments act as an obstruction to the winds blowing from the sea and cause orographic type of rainfall in the coastal region.
3. Beyond highlands, the effect of these winds gets reduced.  As a result, the rainfall is minimal.
4. Thus the North Eastern part of Brazilian highlands receives less rainfall. This is rain shalow region is also called the 'Draught Quadrilateral '.

(b) Snowfall doesn’t always occur in Brazil.
Ans: (i) Because of the vast latitudinal extent of Brazil, it experiences a wide range of climatic variations. Near the Equator it is hot, while tropical type of climate is found near the Tropic of Capricorn.
(ii) Considering the temperatures in Brazil, the northern part of Brazil is hot while the temperatures in the southern part are comparatively lower.
(iii) It generally snows in those areas lying in the temperate or polar regions or in the mountainous regions of very high altitude.
(iv) Snowfall does occur but is only confined to higher elevations in the southern states of Rio Grande Do Sul, Parana and Santa Catarina.
(v) Most part of the country lies in the tropical zone which experiences a hot and humid climate.
So snowfall doesn’t always occur in Brazil and is considered a rare phenomenon.

(c) Convectional type of rainfall is not prominent in India.
Ans: (i) Convectional rains are a feature of the equatorial regions and the equator passes through the northern part of Brazil.
(ii) Due to the intense heat here the air expands and rises upwards. As the air goes upwards it cools down, condensation occurs and clouds are formed. This leads to convectional rains every day.
(iii) As such conditions do not exist in India, convection rainfall is not prominent here.

(d) Tropical cyclones occur rarely in Brazil.
Ans:(i) In the coastal regions of Brazil near the Equator, differences in temperatures are negligible.
(ii) The winds move in the vertical direction in this equatorial region.
(iii) Similarly, the convergence zone of the trade winds is weak here. As a result, cyclones are not formed.
(iv) As a result tropical cyclones occur rarely in Brazil.

(e) There is not much difference in the range of temperature in Manaus.
Ans: (i) Manaus is located to the north of Brazil and close to the Equator.
(ii) This region receives perpendicular rays of the sun throughout the year.
(iii) It also receives convectional type of rainfall every day.
(iv) So the climate is hot and humid throughout the year.
(v) As, there is not much difference in the maximum and minimum temperatures there is not much difference in the range of temperature in Manaus.

(f) India receives precipitation from the North-East Monsoon winds too.
Ans: (i) In the winter season, India is influenced by the North East Monsoon Winds.
(ii) These winds bring cool breeze to the country.
(iii) While blowing over Bay of Bengal the North East Monsoon Winds pick up moisture and give rain to the eastern coast of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in India.
So, it is said that India receives precipitation from the North East Monsoon Winds too.

Q 4. Answer the following questions:
(a) Describe in brief the changes occurring
in the climatic conditions of India while
going from south to north.

Ans: (i) India’s Climate is of monsoon type. But there is diversity in climatic conditions of India due to the latitudinal location and altitude of the place.
(ii) As the Tropic of Cancer passes through middle of India, it divides the country into tropical region and sub tropical region.
(iii) The tropical region receives nearly vertical rays of the Sun and the temperature increases as we move towards the south.
(iv) In the sub tropical region of the north, summers are very hot and winters are very cool and dry.
(v) The Himalayas lie in the northern part of India. They protects us from the cold winds that blow from the north, obstructs the South West Monsoon Winds which results in orographic rainfall in its southern slopes.
(vi) In major parts of India precipitation is in the form of rainfall, but in the Himalayas it is in the form of snowfall.
(b) Explain the importance of the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean with respect to the climate of India.
Ans: (i) The Indian Ocean and the Himalayan ranges exert a great influence on the climate of India and the origin of monsoons.
(ii) Because of high temperatures in summers, a low pressure area develops in the Punjab Plains and the Thar Desert of Rajasthan.
(iii) At the same time a high pressure region develops over the Indian Ocean.
(iv) This attracts winds and they start blowing from the Indian Ocean towards the mainland India.
(v) These are moisture-laden winds which bring rainfall to India.
(vi) These winds move towards the Himalayas and due to the natural obstruction of the Himalayas, orographic rain occurs.
(vii) Later these winds retreat from the Himalayas and move from the north-east towards the Indian Ocean and brings rain to some parts of the Peninsula.
(viii) Also the severe cold winds blowing from the north are obstructed by the Himalayas and it saves India from severe winters.

(c) Discuss the factors affecting climate of

Ans: (i) Brazil experiences wide range of climatic variations due to its vast latitudinal extent, proximity to the Equator, presence of the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Escarpment.
(ii) The northern part of Brazil near the Equator is hot, while temperate type of climate is found near the Tropic of Capricorn.
(iii) Brazil gets rainfall from the South-East Trade Winds and the North-East Trade Winds blowing from the Atlantic Ocean.
(iv) Convectional rainfall occurs in places near the equator. Whereas, the Escarpment act as an obstruction to the winds blowing from the sea and cause orographic type of rainfall in the coastal region.
(v) Beyond the Highlands the effects of these winds gets reduced, as a result the rainfall is minimal. This region is a rain-shadow region and is called ‘The Drought Quadrilateral.’
(vi) The Equator passes through the northern part of Brazil so the temperature here is high. Average temperature of Amazon valley is 25°-28°C. Climate is cooler in the highlands. While the temperatures in the southern part are comparatively lower.
(vii) In the coastal regions near the Equator in Brazil, differences in temperatures are negligible. Because of the proximity to the sea, the coast experiences mild and humid climate.
(viii) The winds move in the vertical direction in this region. Similarly, the convergence zone of the trade winds is weak here. So the tropical cyclones are a rare phenomena here.

(d) Compare the climates of Brazil 


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