Class 5: EVS 1: Lesson no 23: Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Class 5 Environmental Studies Part One
( Maharashtra State Board)
Lesson no. 23
Infectious Diseases and How to Prevent Them
EXERCISE (Page no. 126)

Q.1. What's the solution?
You are hungry, but the food has been left uncovered.
Ans: If the food has been left uncovered,there is possibility that it may be contaminated due to dust, flies and insects.It can cause various diseases.Being it is infectious it should not be eaten.So I will not eat it. But if I am hungrt at that time I will prefer to eat the other eatables such as packed biscuits or fruits available at home.

Q.  2. Use your brain!
Which method of preventing the breeding of mosquitoes will you recommend for your surroundings - not allowing water to stagnate or spraying insecticides on the water?

Ans: Mosquitoes breed on  the stagnate water can be cause of  various diseases like malaria,  dengue and elephantiasis so we need to stop breeding of mosquitoes. To prevent the breeding of mosquitoes we can use insecticides but insecticides can create pollution so better to remove stagnate water from your surroundings.

Q.  3. Answer the following questions.

1. What is an infectious diease?
Ans.: The diseases that spread from one person to the other,such diseases are called infectious diseases.

2. What are the mediums of the spread of diseases?
1.Contaminated water, air, food are the mediums of spread of diseases.
2. Flies,insects and mosquitoes also spread diseases.
3. In case of skin disease direct touch,wearing infected clothes and utensils can cause spread of disease

3. What does happen when there is an epidemic of a disease?
Ans: When there is an epidemic of a disease, many people from the area get  same disease at the same time.

4. What is vaccination?
Ans.: When disease producing micro-organisms enter our body,the body resists  the disease or fights the germs. That is why many a times we do not get a disease even if germs enter our body.
Another way to prevent disease is vaccination. Our body develops resistance to a particular disease if we are vaccinated against it.
Vaccination can be done by injections of oral dose.

5. Make a list of the vaccinations that are given to a newborn baby.
Ans. 1. BCG or anti tuberculosis vaccine
2.Tripple vaccine: given against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.
3. Polio

Q.  4. True or false?
1.Intestinl diseases spread through air.
Ans: False
2. Some diseases are caused by the anger of the gods.
Ans: False

3. Classify the diseases given below as diseases that spread through food, through water nd through air.
Malaria, typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, jaundice, gastro, diarrhoea, diphtheria.
1. Food : Typhoid, cholera, jaundice,gastro and diarrhoea
2. Water: Typhoid, cholera, jaundice and diarrhoea.
3. Air: Tuberculosis and diphtheria

Q.  6. Give reasons.
1. When there is an epidemic of cholera, we should drink boiled water.
Ans.: Germs of an epidemic of cholera spread through the faeces of a patient,if the common source of water get contaminated by it and people drink such contaminated water then they can also suffer from cholera so it is important to boil water.Boiled water helps to kill the germs in water.

2. We should not allow puddles of water to stand in our surroundings.
Ans: The puddles of water can be a source of various diseases because mosquitoes and other germ can be created on the stagnate water.So we should not allow puddles of water to stand in our surroundings. 


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