Class 7: Textual Exercise : 4.4 Unke Munke Timpetoo
1. Find the sentences in which the author and his friend claim that they do not believe in magic?
Ans: The sentences are:
1. 'I don't say I believe in it...'
2. 'I thought it was all nonsense. '
2. What do their actions show?
Ans.: Their actions show that whatever they may have said, they do believe a little bit in magic.
3. If you hear about something that fulfils your wishes, would you try it?
Ans.: If I hear about something that fulfils your wishes, definitely I would like to try if it isn't harmful.
4. Do you think the author is brave?
Ans.: Yes,I think the author is brave because even he was afraid ,he tried it.
5. How do we know that Muke was frightened?
Ans.: We know that Muk was frightened because when he heard that Mrs.Groover was about to unleash the dog,he climbed up the tree to save himself..
6. What opinion do you form of Mrs.Groover from the way she treats the boys? Discuss.
Ans.: Mrs.Groover was a kind hearted person. She listened to the author quietly and tried to understand him.It shows that she has patience. She respects others veiw so She asked to complete the rounds and leave the house by using the main gate.It shows that she is disciplined too.
7. Did the author really rejoice over his shoes and pullover?
Ans.: No,the author didnot rejoice over his shoes and pullover but he pretends that he was happy.
8. The table tennis set was not new, but was a fabulous set,what does it imply?
Ans.: It implies that the author was so much desperate for a table-tennis set that even an old one was welcome.
9. Did the surprise gift really come from Unke,Munke, Timpetoo?
Ans.: No it did not come from Unke, Munke, Timpetoo.
10.In your opinion, who must have sent the gift?
Ans.: In my opinion, Mrs.Groover has sent the gift.
Q.1 Make adjectives from the following.
1.harm 2.continu(e) 3.believe
4.Fear 5. thought 6.wish
7.Question 8. courage
1.harm : harmful, harmless
2.continu(e) : continuous
3.believe : belivable
4. Fear: fearless
5. thought : thoughtful
6wish: wishful
7.Question : questionable
8. courage: courageous
Q2. Choose the correct alternative.
A. Rohan desperately wished for.......
1. a pair of shoes
2. A warm pullover
3. A good friend
4. A table tennis set.
Ans: 4. A table tennis set
B. Rohan and Muk entered the garden at midnight........
1. To frighten Mrs. Groover
2. To chant around the banyan tree
3. To steal some fruits
4. To look for a table-tennis set.
Ans: 2. To chant around the banyan tree.
C. Rohan had finishes ....... rounds of the tree before Mrs. Groover discovered him.
1. Seventeen 2. Six 3. Eleven 4. Twelve
Ans: 3. Eleven
D. The table-tennis set was gifted by ........
1. Mrs.Groover 2. Rohan's parents
3. Muk 4. Timpetoo
Ans: Mrs. Groover
E. The Principal turned out to be a very .......lady.
1. Poor and simple 2. Proud and rich
3. Kind and understanding 4. Sad and lonely
Ans.: 3. Kind and understanding
Q.3 The story has a very heart-warming and touching end.Now try to change the end of the story to make it sound 1. Very funny 2. Full of horror and mystery.
Ans: Mrs.Groover continued to look at one with a strange look in her eyes. Suddenly, right in front of me, her face began to change. It becomes a cream colored table tennis bat. Her body disintegrated, and in its place there was a banyan tree, with aerial roots where her arms had been.
I looked on in utter horror."Unke Munke Timpetoo has different meanings at different times," said the 'thing' in front of me in a horrible squeaky voice. " Say it again and see what happens. "
My mouth opened but no words came out. Though I wanted to obey the 'thing', I simply could not.Where had Mrs. Groover gone? What would happen now? Fear gave me wings. I suddenly turned round and ran as if a hundred tigers were chasing me.As I ran, I made a vow to myself.Never againg, never, again, would I ever say those words,or any other megical chant again.
Q.4. 'Unke,Munke,Timpetoo,
I wish,my wish is coming true.'
Try to compose two funny magical chants that have rhyming lines.
1. Tan, tan, tarum, tan tant,
Please ,please give me what I want.
2. Haroom, Scaroom, Swish, Swish,
Heaven above,grant me my wish.
A letter or a group of letters added to the front of a word to change its meaning and make a new word is called a prefix.
Un + tie = untie
Non + stop = nonstop
Dis + like = dislike
Super + man = superman
Inter + national = international
Q. 1. Find at least 5 words with prefixes and identify the prefix in each word.
1. Incorrect : in (prefix) + correct
2. Nonsense: non(prefix) + sense
3. Unleash: un (prefix) + leash
4. Unusual: un(prefix) + usual
5. Unpack: un(prefix) + pack
6. Impatiently: im (prefix)+ patiently
2. Suffix:
A letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make another word is called a suffix.
Teach + er = teacher
Act +or = actor
Child+ hood= childhood
Friend +ship: friendship
King +dom= kingdom
Use + ful = useful
Frequent +ly = frequently
Act + ion = action
Star + rt = starry
Q. 2. Find 5 examples of words with the following suffixes from the lessons you have studied so far, or from other sources.
1. King + ship (suffix) = kingship
2. Worth + less (suffix) = worthless
3. Bright + ness( suffix)= brightness
4. Desperate + ly ( suffix) = desperately
5. Beauty+ ful (suffix) = beautiful
6. Understand + able(suffix) = understandable.
Q.1 Make adjectives from the following.
1.harm 2.continu(e) 3.believe
4.Fear 5. thought 6.wish
7.Question 8. courage
1.harm : harmful, harmless
2.continu(e) : continuous
3.believe : belivable
4. Fear: fearless
5. thought : thoughtful
6wish: wishful
7.Question : questionable
8. courage: courageous
Q2. Choose the correct alternative.
A. Rohan desperately wished for.......
1. a pair of shoes
2. A warm pullover
3. A good friend
4. A table tennis set.
Ans: 4. A table tennis set
B. Rohan and Muk entered the garden at midnight........
1. To frighten Mrs. Groover
2. To chant around the banyan tree
3. To steal some fruits
4. To look for a table-tennis set.
Ans: 2. To chant around the banyan tree.
C. Rohan had finishes ....... rounds of the tree before Mrs. Groover discovered him.
1. Seventeen 2. Six 3. Eleven 4. Twelve
Ans: 3. Eleven
D. The table-tennis set was gifted by ........
1. Mrs.Groover 2. Rohan's parents
3. Muk 4. Timpetoo
Ans: Mrs. Groover
E. The Principal turned out to be a very .......lady.
1. Poor and simple 2. Proud and rich
3. Kind and understanding 4. Sad and lonely
Ans.: 3. Kind and understanding
Q.3 The story has a very heart-warming and touching end.Now try to change the end of the story to make it sound 1. Very funny 2. Full of horror and mystery.
Ans: Mrs.Groover continued to look at one with a strange look in her eyes. Suddenly, right in front of me, her face began to change. It becomes a cream colored table tennis bat. Her body disintegrated, and in its place there was a banyan tree, with aerial roots where her arms had been.
I looked on in utter horror."Unke Munke Timpetoo has different meanings at different times," said the 'thing' in front of me in a horrible squeaky voice. " Say it again and see what happens. "
My mouth opened but no words came out. Though I wanted to obey the 'thing', I simply could not.Where had Mrs. Groover gone? What would happen now? Fear gave me wings. I suddenly turned round and ran as if a hundred tigers were chasing me.As I ran, I made a vow to myself.Never againg, never, again, would I ever say those words,or any other megical chant again.
Q.4. 'Unke,Munke,Timpetoo,
I wish,my wish is coming true.'
Try to compose two funny magical chants that have rhyming lines.
1. Tan, tan, tarum, tan tant,
Please ,please give me what I want.
2. Haroom, Scaroom, Swish, Swish,
Heaven above,grant me my wish.
A letter or a group of letters added to the front of a word to change its meaning and make a new word is called a prefix.
Un + tie = untie
Non + stop = nonstop
Dis + like = dislike
Super + man = superman
Inter + national = international
Q. 1. Find at least 5 words with prefixes and identify the prefix in each word.
1. Incorrect : in (prefix) + correct
2. Nonsense: non(prefix) + sense
3. Unleash: un (prefix) + leash
4. Unusual: un(prefix) + usual
5. Unpack: un(prefix) + pack
6. Impatiently: im (prefix)+ patiently
2. Suffix:
A letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make another word is called a suffix.
Teach + er = teacher
Act +or = actor
Child+ hood= childhood
Friend +ship: friendship
King +dom= kingdom
Use + ful = useful
Frequent +ly = frequently
Act + ion = action
Star + rt = starry
Q. 2. Find 5 examples of words with the following suffixes from the lessons you have studied so far, or from other sources.
1. King + ship (suffix) = kingship
2. Worth + less (suffix) = worthless
3. Bright + ness( suffix)= brightness
4. Desperate + ly ( suffix) = desperately
5. Beauty+ ful (suffix) = beautiful
6. Understand + able(suffix) = understandable.
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