Class 7: 4.4. Unke Munke Timpetoo (Meanings)
1. Mocking: Making fun of someone or something in a cruel way; tease
2. Kintted: make by interlocking the loops of wool
3. Pullover: a knitted garment put on over the head and covering the half of the body.
4. Desperately: very seriously or badly
5. Pierce; (of a sharp pointed object) go into or through (something)
6. Bullies: persons who habitually seeks to harm/ intimidate those who they perceive as vulnerable.
7. Haunt: a place frequented by a specified person.
8. Aerial: existing, happening or operating in the air.
9. Swaying: to swing slowly back and fortho or from side to side
10. Whispered: speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat
11. Ghostly: of or like a ghost in appearance, unnatural, supernatural
12. Hiss: make a sharp sibilant sound as of the letter 's'
13. Chant: a repeated rhythmic phrase.
14. Crackle: make a rapid succession of short sharp noises/ sizzle/ frizzle
15. Swish: move with rushing / hissing sound
16. Ferocious: savagely fierce, cruel,violent
17. Stillness: clam,quiet
18. Froze ( past tense of freeze) extreme cold.
19. Mumble: say something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for other to hear/ murmur
20. Unleash: release (a dog) from a leash/ dog's lead / free
21. Plead: make an emotional appeal
22. Rejoice: feel or show great joy / delight
23. Stutter: stammering
1. Mocking: Making fun of someone or something in a cruel way; tease
2. Kintted: make by interlocking the loops of wool
3. Pullover: a knitted garment put on over the head and covering the half of the body.
4. Desperately: very seriously or badly
5. Pierce; (of a sharp pointed object) go into or through (something)
6. Bullies: persons who habitually seeks to harm/ intimidate those who they perceive as vulnerable.
7. Haunt: a place frequented by a specified person.
8. Aerial: existing, happening or operating in the air.
9. Swaying: to swing slowly back and fortho or from side to side
10. Whispered: speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat
11. Ghostly: of or like a ghost in appearance, unnatural, supernatural
12. Hiss: make a sharp sibilant sound as of the letter 's'
13. Chant: a repeated rhythmic phrase.
14. Crackle: make a rapid succession of short sharp noises/ sizzle/ frizzle
15. Swish: move with rushing / hissing sound
16. Ferocious: savagely fierce, cruel,violent
17. Stillness: clam,quiet
18. Froze ( past tense of freeze) extreme cold.
19. Mumble: say something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for other to hear/ murmur
20. Unleash: release (a dog) from a leash/ dog's lead / free
21. Plead: make an emotional appeal
22. Rejoice: feel or show great joy / delight
23. Stutter: stammering
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