
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Earth And The Graticule

The Earth and Graticule: To understand Graticule, one must required some basic knowledge.Hence, some basics inform is available here.Just go through it. With this might have understood, what are imaginary lines on globe? What is an angular distance? and how do both help to know the location on the surface of the earth. In the next part we will learn what is Graticule.? Thank you


Introduction : In a clear night sky, when we look up from terrace, courtyard or open ground, we can see the sky with full of stars.Some stars twinkle and some do not.Some of them seems to be big and some others appears to be small & faint. The stars are very far away from the earth. The sun and the moon both are comparatively to other stars close to the earth so we can see them clearly.We can see the round shape of the sun and the moon also. The Heavenly Bodies: The heavenly bodies are related to sky. The objects present in space is also know as the heavenly bodies.These are also called astronomical objects. The stars, the planets, the moon are included in heavenly bodies.  1. Stars: The heavenly bodies that twinkle are called stars. Stars have their own light. Stars shine. Stars are huge celestial bodies which are made of Hydrogen and helium gases. These gases produce light and heat, hence it shine. According to the astronomers, 300 billion of stars exist in the...

Use of Google classroom for teaching online

Greetings to all my students, teachers & friends, I am Mr. Pravin Gawali, sharing with you the flow chart / video link of How to use of Google Classroom? As we all are aware about an importance of Online teaching due to pandemic disease covid 19. Most of the schools are planning to conduct online classes with the help of Google classroom and Google meet together. So, taking in to consideration the need of it here I am making you available the flow chart and video link. Thank you