
Class 7 GeographyLesson no 5. Winds

Class 6 Geography Lesson no 5. Winds Q.1. Rewrite the following statements after choosing the correct option. (1) When the air expands, it .............. . (a) becomes solid (b) becomes thinner (c) gets lost (d) becomes humid Ans: When the air expands, it becomes thinner . (2) From high air pressure regions, winds ............ . (a) blow to regions of still higher pressure. (b) blow towards regions of cooler air. (c) blow towards regions of low air pressure. (d) remain still. Ans: From high air pressure regions, winds blow towards regions of low air pressure. (3) In the northern hemisphere, winds blowing towards the equator .......... due to the rotation of the earth. (a) turn to the south (b) turn to the east (c) turn to the west (d) turn to the north Ans: In the northern hemisphere, winds blowing towards the equator turn to the west due to the rotation of the earth . (4) The direction of seasonal winds blowing over the Indian subcontinent during winter is

Class 7 GeographyLesson no.4. Air Pressure (Textual Question and answers, Page no. 16 to 20)

Class 7 Geography Lesson no.4. Air Pressure (Textual Question and answers, Page no. 16 to 20) Q. 1. Give reasons:  (1) Air pressure decreases with increasing  altitude. Ans: 1.The proportion of dust in the air, water vapour, heavy gases, etc. is higher in the air closer to the surface of the earth. This proportion decreases with increasing altitude.  2. As one moves higher and higher from the surface of the earth, the air becomes thinner and thinner.  3.As a result, the air pressure decreases with increasing altitude.  (2) Pressure belts oscillate . Ans:  1. The duration and the intensity of sunrays varies during particular periods of the year in both the hemispheres.  2.As a result, the locations of the temperature zones and the pressure belts dependent on the sun’s heat also vary. 3. This change is of the order of 5° to 7° towards north in Uttarayan, and 5° to 7° south in Dakshinayan.  4.In this way Pressure belts oscillate Q. 2. Give short answers to the following  questions.  (1) Wमहा -टेट? maha-TET 2024

Maha-TET & CTET:PLAYLIST/ 1. Mahatet/ all details /संपूर्ण माहितीकॉल 2. Syllabus of Child development 3. Syllabus of English & Marathi Maha-TET/mahatet. in

Class 9 Geography : Subject : Geography3. Exogenetic Process Part 1

Subject : Geography 3. Exogenetic Process Part 1 Questions and Answers Q 1. Answer in brief. (a) What is mechanical weathering ? Ans: The disintegration of rocks without any change in their chemical composites called mechanic weathering.. (b) What are the main types of chemical weathering? Ans: The process of decomposition of rocks due to changes in their chemical composition is called chemical weathering. (c) How does biological weathering occur? Ans: The weathering process caused by human beings, animals and plants is called biological weathering. (d) Distinguish between weathering and mass wasting. Ans: Q 2. Write whether the statements are true or false. Correct the incorrect ones. *(a) Climate affects earthquakes. Ans: False- Internal movements affect earthquake *(b) Mechanical weathering is less effective in humid climates. Ans: True *(c) Mechanical weathering happens on a large scale in dry climates. Ans:True *(d) The breaking down of rocks into smaller pa

Class 7: 2. The Sun, the Moon and the Earth

Class 7: 2. The Sun, the Moon and the Earth Q. 1. Correct the wrong statements. Write down the corrected ones.   (1) The moon revolves around the sun. Ans: Wrong - The moon revolves around the earth.   (2) On a full moon day, the moon, the  sun and the earth are positioned in  this sequence.   Ans: Wrong – On a full moon day, the sun, the earth and the moon are positioned in this sequence.   (3) The revolutionary orbits of the earth  and the moon is on the same plane. Ans: Wrong – The revolutionary orbits of the earth and the moon are not in the same plane. The moon’s revolutionary orbit makes an angle of about 5° with the earth.  (4) In one revolution of the moon, its  orbit intersects the earth’s orbit only once.  Ans: Wrong – In one revolution of the moon, its orbit intersects the earth’s orbit twice.   (5) It is alright to observe a solar eclipse  without protecting the eyes.  Ans:Wrong – It is necessary to view the sun disc through dark glasses or through special goggles made for

Class 10 History : 1. Historiography - development in the West

Class 10 History : 1. Historiography - development in the West. 1. (A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement. (1) It may be said that …….. was the founder of modern historiography. (a) Voltaire (b) René Descartes (c) Leopold Ranké (d) Karl Marx  Ans: a. Voltaire   (2) ………… wrote the book entitled ‘Archaeology of Knowledge’. (a) Karl Marx (b) Michel Foucault (c) Lucien Febvre (d) Voltaire  Ans: (b) Michel Foucault    (B) Identify and write the wrong pair in the following set.  (1) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - ‘Reason in History’  Ans: Right   (2) Leopold von Ranké - ‘The theory and Practice of History’  Ans: Right (3) Herodotus - ‘The Histories’  Ans: Right  (4) Karl Marx - ‘Discourse on the Method’ Ans: Wrong 2. Write short notes.     (1) Dialectics   Ans: 👉🏻In order to understand the true nature of an event, one needs to know its opposite for e.g. True — False, Good — Bad, etc.  👉🏻A German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich H

1. प्राथमिक स्तरावरील मराठी भाषेच्या अध्ययनासाठी अध्ययन वातावरण निर्मिती
